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Farm Law

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SV Law and their team of Ontario Farm Lawyers are committed to farmers and their families throughout the province. As a full-service law firm, we have the skills and experience to handle every aspect of your Agribusiness' legal needs, including business structure, succession planning, financing and regulatory issues.

Like the majority of legal practice, Agricultural Law is not a mutually exclusive area and often crosses over to other legal fields such as Business Law and Estate Planning. However, our mandate to maintain Farm Law as a separate practice area demonstrates our recognition of Agriculture as an important industry and resource in our global community.

Our lawyers are highly skilled in Farm Law matters and practice in the following areas:

Financing and Banking Arrangements including FCC, private financing, commercial banks and intergenerational financing;

Business Structures including incorporation, family farm corporations, sole proprietorships, joint ventures and partnerships;

Succession Planning including tax planning, businesses structures, intergenerational succession, sale of a business;

Estate Planning including wills, powers of attorney and living wills;

Farm & Rural Real Estate Transactions including the purchase and sale of farm land and intergenerational transfers;

Land Use Planning including Surplus Farm Dwelling Severances and Lot Line Adjustments;

Asset Acquisition and Disposition including buying and selling of businesses and business assets;

Lease Negotiations including acting for both landowners and tenants; and

Contractual Agreements including, shareholder agreements partnership agreements and leases.

Date Title Type

Sep 21, 2016

International Plowing Match 2016


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